Peace and Power IN CHRIST
When: April 25 & 26 | 6-9 pm EST
April 27 | 9am - 2:30 pm EST
Join Dr. Lisa Winchell, and her special guest Joshua Eisbrenner, in this personal and interactive boot camp that will deeply establish you in who you are in Christ Jesus! Operate in your God-given authority to Impact your atmosphere for the Kingdom of God: rather then be ruled by the kingdom of darkness and chaos!
Receive deep revelation, personal insight, applicable tools, and experience transformation as we practice the new skils, leading you into a transformational peace and joy!
The Word of God says:
YOU are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which He prepared beforehand that you would walk in them, for such a time as this!
Have you given power to others around you over your own peace and joy?
Are you waiting for their behavior to change before you experience daily peace and joy?
Or, do you recogize that YOU are in charge of your own peace and joy, a freedom that Christ has given YOU?
In this Bootcamp, we are going to:
Build up those “muscles” by seeing yourself through His eyes and seeing what He sees so you can do what He does.
Strengthen your endurance to walk in peace and power amidst chaos, conflict, and pain.
You will, attain a transformational toolbox that is specific to your uniqueness!
Dr. Lisa will take you on the exact path the Lord took her and hundreds of her clients on: to peace and power!
Identity and destiny are always linked! The enemy can not get you to do anything that he can not first get you to see yourself doing. But God can also not get you to do anything that He can not first get you to see yourself doing!
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. How you see yourself is how you will show up in life. This is why God made us in His Image, so we would see ourselves through His Image in us and thereby walk like Christ in this world!
This bootcamp is an intensive training program that will deepen your sense of identity, peace, and power in Christ, thereby greater connection with others!
Where there is Peace there is Power! Power to love, and speak truth in love.
Dr. Lisa Winchell has poured over 20 years of Christian counseling experience and her own personal growth into this boot camp. Dr. Lisa Winchell, founder of In His Image Institute of Counseling and Training, is an NCCA Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor, Temperament Counselor, and Ordained Minister, with her Doctorate in Ministry.
Dr. Lisa will help you connect to your core identity in Christ!
Dr Lisa will bridge your core identity in Christ with your unique God-given inborn temperament traits so she can meet you right where you are.
Pastor Joshua Eisbrenner is the co-founder of Global Firestarters Ministries and Firebrand Discipleship School. He is the Associate Director of Gulf Coast Healing Rooms and Associate Pastor of Healer's House Church. Joshua has been teaching on identity in Christ for over a decade. He is a health and fitness life coach, as well.
Joshua will bring to the BootCamp a deep understanding of the greatest enemy of your true identity, shame. He will not only forever uncover this enemy, but he will connect you to the truths that will drive out any defecit you still operate in because of shame.
This center picks up messages every time you look at yourself, or others look at you. You and others can become your mirror image. This is why God needs us to look at Him, our mirror, and get in agreement with who He says we are, intentionally and daily. So we do what He does!
This boot camp will fill up quickly.
There is a 30-person cap, so the BootCamp can be interactive for everyone attending.
April 25 & 26 | 6-9 pm EST
April 27 | 9am - 2:30 pm EST
Takes place online, via Zoom
This is a fast-moving, fun bootcamp that is sure to build your ability to walk in your true identity! Your joy and peace will grow, as you gain momentum in your relationships with God, your true self in Him, and others, impacting those around you for the Kingdom of God.
We are excited to announce that Joshua Eisbrenner from Firebrand Discipleship School will join us Saturday morning with his message on the Stronghold of Shame. SHAME IS THE THIEF OF OUR TRUE IDENTITY!
🎉 Congratulations! And, thank you for your investment in Wake up Your True Identity: Peace & Power in Christ. Details of your order are enroute to your inbox 🎉
(over a $1100 value)
Build up those “muscles.” See God clearly, and see you through His eyes!
April 25 | 6:00 pm-9:00 pm EST
Be immersed in the New Creation realities of who you are in Christ, as you gain a deeper understanding of how the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus changed your identity forever, affecting your spirit, soul and body. A proper view of God and who you are in Him creates a sense of emotional safety and peace, drives out anxiety, and empowers you to hear His voice more clearly. You will discover the link between identity and fruitfulness in your life, relationships, and ability to impact your world for the Lord!! See who God sees in you!
God’s unique design of YOU!
April 26 | 6:00 pm-9:00 pm EST
Travel into the amazing core traits of each of the five temperaments!
You'll receive the most in-depth Christ-centered temperament analysis available! Discover the role of your temperament traits in your ability to walk in peace and power. Discover the perfect you that God created! Build on your strengths. Learn effective ways to overcome your weaknesses and get your needs met in godly ways, allowing for greater connection in your core relationships.
Mastering the skills to walk in your true identity!! Joshua Eisbrenner and Dr. Lisa Winchell
April 27 | 9:00 am-2:30 pm EST
Know your enemy! The Word says to know the wiles of the devil. Shame is the thief of your true identity. Joshua's message on the Stronghold of Shame will forever uncover that enemies work in your life! Shame tries to steal your ability to walk in your God given authority. But now you will Trek in the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind that God has given you! Create the atmosphere you want to live in! Build endurance and a strong emotional capacity that keeps you connected to God, your true self, and others, even in the presence of pain. This is power! No more conforming to the pattern of this world, but transforming and transforming the world around you for God!
($170 value)
You will receive the most in-depth Christ-centered temperament analysis available! "To act without knowing how you function is not good, if you rush ahead you will miss your goal." Proverbs 19:2
Can't make it to a live session? No worries! All classes will be recorded and available for you to watch. But you will need to listen to the previous session before the next. The content builds on it's self.*
(infinite value)
5 steps to Peaceful and Powerful Interactions
Thoughts, imaginations, and strongholds are three different parts of the brain. Learn to use your brain fully for transformation!
Renounce the victim spirit and declare who you are! A Victor, a son, a daughter of the Most High God!!
IMPORTANT: Register right away. This boot camp will fill up quickly. There is a 35-person cap, so the BootCamp can be interactive for everyone attending. * You will need to attend all sessions, or at the very least listen to the previous session recording before attending the next. The teaching builds on itself to give you a full understanding and ability to apply and find victory in life issues.
Dr. Lisa Winchell, Doctorate in Ministry, NCCA Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, Certified Temperament Counselor, and Ordained Minister founded In His Image Institute of Counseling and Training and has been counseling and training Christian Counselors for over 20 years.
She has had great success with her Created in God's Image Workshops, the Where There is Peace, There is Power Challenge, and is now launching our Identity Coach Certification Program.
Join Dr. Lisa! Your joy and peace will grow, as you gain momentum in your relationships with God, your true self in Him, and others, impacting those around you for the Kingdom of God. This is your true identity! A freedom given to you, by Christ, leading you to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE for such a time as this!
🎉 Congratulations! And, thank you for your investment in Wake up Your True Identity: Peace & Power in Christ. Details of your order are enroute to your inbox 🎉
Live From Your Strengths
Walk in Transformation Through the New Creation Truths, and What Your Imagination Has to Do With That.
Shift the Atmosphere and Affect the World Around You in Your Circle of Influence!
Romans 8:19 says I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. Creation eagerly awaits the revealing of the sons of God.” YOU!
Hebrews 3:1 “Brothers and sisters, you are now made holy, and each of you is invited to feast on your heavenly calling. So fasten your thoughts fully on Jesus, whom we embrace as our Apostle and King Priest.”
God is inviting you to His table in the presence of your enemies! To feast on who He is and who you are in Him! How exciting to know deeply who you are in Him
Neil Anderson states,
“The true determinant of mental health is an accurate understanding of who God is and who you are in Him.”
Dr. Lisa will take you on the exact path the Lord took her and hundreds of her clients on: to peace and power!
Do you wonder why the fruits and gifts of the Spirit don’t flow more through you?
The Word says, “Where there is strife, there is confusion and every evil practice.” This means we will not flow in God’s practices if we are in strife, whether in strife with others or just inwardly..
Every piece of ground your foot walks on is yours to take for the Lord. But with all the hordes of darkness around us, it is easy to lose that ground when you are rejected, failed, disrespected, unvalued, unmet needs, or your world is turning upside down.
You were actually created for this moment, for such a time as this!
You might ask how do I walk in peace and power amid pain, conflict, and chaos.
The answer is Christ in you! But how do I connect with Christ in me?
Join our BootCamp!! Join our BootCamp!! Join our BootCamp!!
Wake up your True Identity: Peace and Power in Christ
We are going to:
Build up those “muscles” by seeing yourself through His eyes and seeing what He sees so you can do what He does.
Strengthen your endurance to walk in peace and power amidst chaos, conflict, and pain.
Attain a transformational toolbox that is specific to your uniqueness!
What causes us to lose our peace the most is our fear of soul death, such as, being dismissed, looking stupid, our opinions/beliefs being devalued, being rejected, slighted, abandoned, or failing ourselves in some way. These are identity issues. Craig Hill states, “Every conversation about identity must include a conversation about our value.” Until we learn to go to Christ for our value, we will continually fall into idolatry, getting our value from other's opinions and/or our own performance, then constantly losing our peace and power to affect the environment around us for God. Identity and destiny are always linked!
Did you know you have an identity center in your right brain? This center picks up messages every time you look at yourself, or others look at you. You and others can become your mirror image. This is why God needs us to look at Him, our mirror, and get in agreement with who He says we are, intentionally and daily. So we do what He does.
🎉 Congratulations! And, thank you for your investment in Wake up Your True Identity: Peace & Power in Christ. Details of your order are enroute to your inbox 🎉
Dr. Lisa is the best !!! I Love her heart, approach and honesty. Lisa’s knowledge permits her heart to flow, her class time in workshops is all heart, I love this. It’s real answers from a truthfully real person who loves Jesus with all her heart.
R Brian Kisner D.D.
Director of Legacy School of Supernatural Ministry.
Dr. Lisa is amazing! She is an extraordinary counselor and her workshop was incredible! I have learned so much about myself and it’s helped me understand myself in ways I never have! I took pages of notes and got so much out of the workshop! I loved every second of it
Julie Story
I loved it! It showed me who I am, and why I do some of the things that I do. It helped me to understand me and why God created me the way that He did. It also has helped me in understanding others and so I am able to come alongside of and lift them up, and give them encouragement when needed, and how to do that so they will receive it.
Carolyn F.
This has totally changed my life and how I see other people. I can now accept people just the way they are and just the way they are not.
Jordan O.
I am so grateful for all of the help received throughout the years at In His Image. This is a safe place, where I can be vulnerable without judgement. Lisa has helped me navigate many difficult situations with my teen children, marriage and divorce, all with a Christ centered counseling, and a strong focus on Bible based identity! Highly recommend it!
Issa H.
Dr. Lisa is an amazing counselor, and I've had more breakthrough in one meeting with her than I have in any other session with other counselors. She is very gifted in helping others see their true identity and there's so much healing that takes place from just listening to her. It's an honor to learn from her! I can honestly say that I've had a big breakthrough and shift in my life because of what she's taught me!
Lani R.