Find Freedom From the Grips of Chaos, Pain, and Conflict ;
Learn to Move in Peace + Power.

👉 Then, ask Dr. Lisa about your specific situation!

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If you're not really sure you'll be able to carry peace and power into *all* aspects of your life because an area feels hopeless or too difficult to actually change: please keep scrolling.

Let's talk truth for a moment.

In situations or relationships where you've tried to bring God's peace, power, and love, but haven't seen much success, it can be discouraging and cumbersome.

Attending trainings in the past may have left you feeling lost in the sea of information, and maybe even a little more lonely and powerless to effect change.

You've worked so hard to impact your atmosphere for God's glory and it's a noble pursuit. But, here's the thing, information won't bring transformation if you're unsure how to actually apply it within your situation.

Dr. Lisa Winchell has been counseling and training Christian Counselors for 20 years. She adamantly believes that through revelation and application comes true transformation.

This is why she's holding an Exclusive Question and Answer session to answer your specific questions April 3 and you're invited!

Peace and Power in the Midst of Chaos, “ an Exclusive Q & A” includes all general sessions + 2 hours up and close question and answer session with Dr. Lisa where you can ask her questions pertaining to your specific situation. Such as how to move in Peace & Power… amidst a hard marriage; amidst ; narcissism ; in politics; in pain; purity struggles; in anxiety disorders, physical challenges, and more.

Find Freedom From the Grips of Chaos, Pain, and Conflict ;
Learn to Move in Peace + Power.

👉 Then, ask Dr. Lisa about your specific situation!

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🎉 Congratulations! And, thank you for your investment in Peace and Power in the Midst of Chaos. Details of your order are enroute to your inbox 🎉

Peace & Power in the Midst of Chaos
+ General


GENERAL SESSIONS: April 1, 2, & 3 @ 11:00 am EST
EXCLUSIVE Q & A: April 3 @ Q and A is 7-9 pm EST